Considering visiting the Olmalaika Trust?
Below you can check on what dates
might possibly be open
*If the dates you are interested in are taken - check with us to BE SURE as sometimes plans change or the bookings are not confirmed
The Cottage
For Donors/Sponsors Only
Fully furnished
1 bedroom
*Sleeps 2 people
Kitchen, Dining & Sitting Room
1 washroom
Private fenced in yard
*Self catering
Permanent Tent
2 beds - bedding & towels
Chest of Drawers & Vanity
Small solar lantern
Folding Chairs
Outdoor fireplace
2 Hammocks
Walk to the washrooms
Dome 3 Person Tents
Folding Stool
*Outdoor fireplace
*At some sites
*Walk to the washrooms
Camp Area
4 washrooms with sink, toilet and shower
Clothes lines
Outdoor large sinks
Olmalaika Home
Volleyball & Basketball courts
*Our entire 4 acres has a wall around with electric wires at the top. The gates are kept locked.
We are a TRUST not a business and we believe in supporting the community around us - there are no charges for lodging and/or visits - and a donation will never be turned down.
The Cottage is available for donors/sponsors who are just coming for a couple of days.
The Permanent Tent is available for those wanting to stay 4 days or more (max 21 days)
The Dome 3 Person Tents are available as needed
Please call ahead when simply stopping by for a visit
To book lodging email: